تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 | Download Windows XP SP3 2023

تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 | Download Windows XP SP3 2023

تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 | Download Windows XP SP3 2023

أحدث إصدارات ويندوز إكس بي الإحترافية لعام 2023 كما تعودتم معنا على الحصريات .

النسخة شاملة وتحتوى على التحديثات الهامة والرئيسية والتعريفات الاساسية للهاردات وكروت اللان وغيرها .

يضم هذا الاصدار ثلاث لغات : إنجليزى و فرنسى وعربى .


تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 | Download Windows XP SP3 2023 x86 10in1 May

تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 | Download Windows XP SP3 2023


Windows XP SP3 x86 10in1 May 2023 Multilanguage

Language: English, Arabic, French | Size: 2.1 GB


Description :

The assembly is made on the basis of the original images, using the XP2ESD tool. The installation process of this assembly has been modified and uses the bootloader from Windows 7 with elements of the installer from Windows 10. The assembly installation time may take about the same as a regular installation from the original disk.


– Arabic
– English
– French


– Windows XP Home

– Windows XP Home N

– Windows XP Professional Volume License

– Windows XP Professional Volume License N (версия для Евросоюза)

– Windows XP Professional

– Windows XP Professional N (версия для Евросоюза)

– In the English version, more editions with index K are available.

– The K and KN editions of Windows XP Home Edition and Professional Edition were released in August 2006 and are only available in English and Korean. Both editions contain links to third-party instant messaging programs and media players.


– Integrated updates for April 9, 2019;

– Integrated .Net Framework 1.1-4.0 + language packs;

– Integrated Visual C++ 2005-2019 (Upd 01/15/2021);

– Integrated DirectX 9c (Upd June 2010);

– Integrated Internet Explorer 8;

– Integrated Windows Media Player 11;

– Integrated Adobe Flash Player;

– Integrated drivers for AHCI / SATA;

– Integrated root certificates for August 2022;

– Updated several wallpapers to HD quality and added several official themes;

– During installation, a system kernel patch is made, which allows you to see and use more than 4 GB (the patch is installed on a bar up to 128 GB);
— The systems were in audit mode.


– This release contains One ISO image and 24 executable svf files. All exe files are created from original ISOs for each language. This is done with SmartVersion, a program that calculates the difference between two files (one of which is used as the source) and then creates an svf file based on that difference.

– EXE files should be located next to the ISO image.

– To get the original ISO – image with the interface language of your choice, run the executable file and wait until the operation is completed.

– In a few minutes (depending on the power of your computer) you will receive the original ISO image.

– For example, to get an image with German localization, you need to run the deu_windows_xp_sp3_with_update_2600.7682_aio_6in1_x86_v23.05.05_by_adguard.exe file.

Notes 2

– In this assembly, some drivers for SATA / IDE controllers and USB are integrated. During installation, there may be conflicts and blue screens, so be prepared to have a disc or driver package for your device with you.

– Also, I strongly advise against installing a system where you have two or more hard drives. Please turn off the rest of the hard drives before installing, so that there is no incident with the deletion of your necessary and personal information.

– BSoD – 0x00000007b: If during installation, an error occurred with the code 0x00000007b, then it is necessary in the BIOS to switch the hard drive to IDE mode.

– BSoD – 0x00000000a: If during the installation, an error occurred with the code 0x00000000a – then during the installation of the drivers, a crooked driver was installed on the SATA / IDE controller, restart the computer, then it should skip this driver and not install it again.
PS> To install it on a virtual machine, it is recommended to use older versions of the program, new versions do not contain a driver for this operating system.

System requirements

– Processor: not less than 300 MHz
– Memory: 256 Mb
– VGA: 800 x 600
– HDD: 6 GB

What’s New

– Integrated updates for April 9, 2019;

– Integrated .Net Framework 1.1-4.0 + language packs;

– Integrated Visual C++ 2005-2019 (Upd 01/15/2021);

– Integrated DirectX 9c (Upd June 2010);

– Integrated Internet Explorer 8;

– Integrated Windows Media Player 11;

– Integrated root certificates for August 2022


مساحة النسخة 2.1 جيجا تقريبا

تحميل موفق للجميع

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كلمات دلالية :

تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 , تنزيل و تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 , تحميل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 ,تنزيل ويندوز إكس بى 2023 ,أحدث إصدار من ويندوز إكس بى 2023 , تحميل Download Windows XP SP3 2023 ,تنزيل Download Windows XP SP3 2023 ,أحدث إصدار من ويندوز إكس بى 2023 ,


شاهد أيضاً :


يمكنك تحميل العديد من إصدارات الويندوز المختلفة من قسم الويندوز من هنا

يمكنك أيضا متابعة جديد الاسطوانات من هنا .

تابع أحدث و أفضل البرامج من قسم البرامج من هنا .

كما يمكنك متابعتنا على صفحة فارس الاسطوانات على الفيسبوك .

ويمكنك الإنضمام لجروب فارس الإسطوانات على الفيسبوك .

مع تحيات موقع فارس الاسطوانات .

سيرفرات أخرى للتحميل

اب فور ايفر





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