أحدث إصدار من ويندوز سفن المخفف المعروف بإسم Thin PC والمخصص للأجهزة الضعيفة
النسخة مضاف إليها آخر التحديثات حتى نوفمبر 2016
النسخة من إعدد الفريق الروسى adguard وباللغتين الإنجليزية والروسية
النسخة للنواة 86 بت فقط
ويندوز سفن المخفف بتحديثات نوفمبر 2016 | Windows Thin PC SP1 v16.11.11
Windows Thin PC is a stripped down version of Windows 7 for legacy PCs that do not have the resources to support a full version of Windows 7. The Assembly is based on the original images from MSDN. Was integrated languages: English, Russian, and updates to November 8, 2016. It is possible to install under the BIOS and under system.
Information about the Assembly
Software Version: 6.1.7601.23569 / v16.11.11
Author builds: adguard
Language: English, Russian
Medicine: KMSpico 10.2.0 Final + Portable / KMSAuto Lite Portable v1.3.0 / KMSAuto Net 2016 v1.4.8 Portable (in archive)
Assembly includes
Windows Thin PC (32-bit) – English
Windows Thin PC (32-bit) – Russian
Features Assembly:
• Integrated updates for November 8, 2016;
• Integrated language packs: English, Russian;
• Integrated a small set of components to quality work OS (including NetFx 3.0-3.5);
• Cleaned folders: WinSxS\ManifestCache;
• Systems were not in audit mode.
All changes made by standard means of Microsoft.
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