ويندوز سفن ألتميت مع أوفيس 201

ويندوز سفن ألتميت مع أوفيس 2010

الاسطوانة الشاملة للويندوز والأوفيس والتى تضم ويندوز 7 بنسخة ألتميت مضاف إليها آخر التحديثات الغير رسمية حتى يونيو 2022

النسخة مضاف إليها حزمة برامج ميكروسوفت أوفيس كاملة 2010 النسخة البروفيشنال.

نسخة الويندوز والأوفيس مفعلين بشكل تلقائى بعد التثبيت.

الويندوز والأوفيس بالواجهة الإنجليزية وللتواة 64 بت فقط.

ويندوز سفن ألتميت مع أوفيس 201

ويندوز سفن ألتميت مع أوفيس 2010 | يونيو 2022

معلومات عن النسخة:

Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate With Office Pro Plus 2010 VL June 2022 Preactivated

Windows x64 | Language:English | File Size: 4.87 GB

Windows 7 Ultimate is the most versatile and powerful edition of Windows 7.

It combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional, including the ability to run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode. For added security, you can encrypt your data with BitLocker and BitLocker To Go.

And for extra flexibility, you can work in any of 35 languages. Get it all with Windows 7 Ultimate.


-64-bit versions Combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional–get it all with with Windows 7 Ultimate

-Make the things you do every day easier with improved desktop navigation; start programs faster and more easily, and quickly find the documents you use most often

-Run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode; watch, pause, rewind, and record TV on your PC

-Easily create a home network and connect your PCs to a printer with HomeGroup; connect to company networks easily and more securely with Domain Join

-Recover your data easily with automatic backup to your home and business network; help protect data on your PC and portable storage devices against loss or theft with BitLocker.

Microsoft Office 2010 includes updated support for ISO/IEC 29500:2008, the International Standard version of Office Open XML (OOXML) file format.

Office 2010 provides read support for ECMA-376, read/write support for ISO/IEC 29500 Transitional, and read support for ISO/IEC 29500 Strict. In its pre-release (beta) form, however, Office 2010 only supported the Transitional variant, and not the Strict.

The intent of the ISO/IEC is to allow the removal of the Transitional variant from the ISO/IEC compliant version of the OOXML standard.


• Microsoft Office Access 2010
• Microsoft Office Excel 2010
• Microsoft InfoPath Designer 2010
• Microsoft Office OneNote 2010
• Microsoft Office Outlook 2010
• Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010
• Microsoft Office Publisher 2010
• Microsoft Office Word 2010
• Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010

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