إزالة العلامة المائية من الصور | UkeySoft Photo Watermark Remover

برنامج UkeySoft Photo Watermark Remover عبارة عن ممحاة صور مائية بسيطة وفعالة ومحرر للصور ، ويمكن أن تساعدك على إزالة الكائنات غير المرغوب فيها أثناء إصلاح البيئة المحيطة تلقائيًا.

يمكنك بسهولة إزالة الأشياء غير المرغوب فيها ، أو العلامة المائية ، أو ختم التاريخ ، أو البقع من الصورة دون عيب ، دون الإضرار بالمنطقة المحذوفة التي تريدها.

وفى هذه التدوينة نقدم لكم أحدث إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل.


إزالة العلامة المائية من الصور | UkeySoft Photo Watermark Remover 6.0.0

إزالة العلامة المائية من الصور | UkeySoft Photo Watermark Remover

إزالة العلامة المائية من الصور | UkeySoft Photo Watermark Remover



UkeySoft Photo Watermark Remover is a simple yet effective photo watermark eraser and image editor, it can help you remove unwanted objects while automatically repairing the surrounding.

You can easily remove unwanted objects, watermark, date stamp, or stains from a photo flawlessly, without damaging the seletected area that you want.

Remove Watermark

Easily to remove unwanted objects from any photos, such as watermarks, logos, date stamp, signature, text, unwanted people, animal, unsightly pimples, or any stains.

Add Watermark

This tool can also help you add Text Watermark, Image Watermark and Shape Watermark to photos, to add copyright info watermark to your photo, just type text/words on image.

Edit Photo

Except removing watermarks and adding watermarks function, it can also help you edit pictures easily, such as Crop, Rotate, Flip, Adjust Color, Filters…

Erase Extra Objects or Person

Unnecessary tourists, street signs, or power lines can be removed effortlessly while the background is reconstructed sulmataneously

Remove Watermark/Date Stamp

Semi-transparent and thin font are anything but difficult for our Leading Color Detection technology. They
can be erased without affecting the background

Fix Old Photos Easily

Photo is our best memory. If you want to fix photos, which comes with scratches and wreckage, it can remove scratches and wrackages, make your old photos reappears the colors of the past.

Additional Editing Features

Your ideal digital eraser with complete features to “give it another shot”

• More Powerful Image Editing Features
Best photo editing software for beginners to remove photo watermark and edit photo like pros

• Remove Any Watermark from Photo
Remove any watermark and unwanted element from your photos.

• Batch Removing Watermarks
Batch remove watermarks from lot of photo (even different image formats).

• Different Types of Image Format are Supported
Remove the watermark from several different types of image files, such as JPG/JPEG/PNG/BMP/TIFF, etc.

• Original Image Format Retained
The original image format will be retained after the watermark is removed from photo.

• Add Text Watermark to Photo
It allows you you add text/words watermark on image, such as date, author name, copyright info, copyright symbol, signature, etc.

• Add Image Watermark to Photo
Add photo watermark (image logo or text logo) to your images, to protect your copyrights from used illegally.

• Add Shape Watermark to Photo
You can also add shape watermark to your photos to call attention to the person, or object, for example adding an“arrow”element to photo.

• Power Photo Editing Funtions
This tool not only can remove watermark, but also can help you edit the photo with complete editing function, such as Crop, Rotate,Flip, Adjust Color and Filters.

• High Output Quality
Keep the original quality of your photo after erasing completed, and all the objects, except the watermark, will stay the same.

What’s new

• official site does not provide any info about changes in this version


مساحة البرنامج 18 ميجا تقريباً

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