تحميل برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP

تحميل برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024

تحميل برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024

برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP أداة برمجية رائدة لرسم الخرائط الذهنية تتضمن مجموعة شاملة من الحلول لتصميم وبناء الخرائط الذهنية الموفرة للوقت.

قم بإنشاء خرائط ذهنية توضح بشكل بديهي عملية تفكيرك.

نظّم الأفكار والبيانات باستخدام أداة إنتاجية شاملة تتسم بالمرونة وسهولة الاستخدام.

قم بإنشاء مجموعة متنوعة من أنماط وتنسيقات المستندات.

قم بعمل عروض حية من الخرائط الذهنية ثم قم بتصديرها إلى MS PowerPoint أو صفحات الويب.

مثالي لتبادل الأفكار وتخطيط المشاريع وإدارة الاجتماعات وتدوين الملاحظات وغير ذلك الكثير.

طبق إبداعك في التخطيط والتنظيم والتواصل.

وفى هذه التدوينة نقدم لك آخر إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل.


تحميل برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024

تحميل برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP



ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14, a leading mind mapping software tool includes a comprehensive set of solutions for designing and building timesaving mind maps. Create mind maps that intuitively illustrate your thought process. Organize ideas and data with a comprehensive productivity tool that is flexible and easy-to-use. Generate a great assortment of document styles and formats.

Make live presentations from mind maps and then export them to MS PowerPoint or Web pages. Perfect for brainstorming, project planning, meeting management, note-taking, and much more. Apply your creativity for planning, organizing and communicating. We suppose ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 to become an assistant to help you with this.

Brainstorm Ideas

All teams involved in idea generation need the organizational capability found in Brainstorm mode. ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 provides a one-click brainstorm mode. A built-in timer keeps the team’s brainstorming session on track.

When the brainstorming session is finished the resulting mind map is a great way to discuss, edit, develop, remove, and organize ideas.

Splendid Appearance

More than 20 built-in styled themes, plus the ability to design custom themes makes ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 an impressive visual tool. Quickly make a mind map template for organization meeting schedules and reporting.

Create mind maps that stand out from the crowd. The “Color Schemes” feature makes it easy to coordinate colors of the Map Themes and update them quickly.

You can instantly change all colors used in the mind map’s current Map Theme by picking up an embedded color palette. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 it easy to incorporate graphic images into your maps, making maps even more impactful.

There is nothing easier than adding images to a mind map using the tool’s graphics panel. Images can add a blend of creativity and functionality, and provide your map a distinctive look. You can add images to any part of the map.

Mind Map Presentation

ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 provides a set of tools to quickly create a slideshow. Using MINDMAP editing tools there is no faster way to build a presentation. Intuitive features allow for the selection of mind map areas that are to be included in each slide. Then drag-and-drop views to sequence slides. When slide sequencing is completed it is then easy to quickly transition to presentation preview mode. The resulting slide presentation can be exported to MS PowerPoint to share with the team or the world.

Intelligent Topics

A mind map can be turned into an electronic file cabinet by adding attachments in any file format.

Keeping all information for a project or process one click away makes embedded files a productivity booster.

Hyperlinks and Notes

Extend any mind map topic by using Hypernote. It is the blend of a note with multiple hyperlinks.

Mind maps with hypernotes can easily support an impressive amount of knowledge in a single map. Everything is at your fingertips.

Data Exchange

ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 breaks boundaries in mind mapping data exchange for project managers and mind mappers.

It offers the ability to exchange data with Microsoft Project, Microsoft Office, ConceptDraw PROJECT v12, MindManager, XMind, and FreeMind.

MINDMAP v14 also provides the ability of export to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM v15 file format.

ConceptDraw OFFICE Integration

ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 can identify and structures ideas; as well as generate final documents and presentations.

Open a mind map in ConceptDraw PROJECT v13 to assign tasks and report completeness of multiple projects.

Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM v16 to build technical schemes and diagrams for documentation; as well as create status dashboards.

The ConceptDraw OFFICE v9 products provide a set of tools that support any professional activity.

Choose the proper tools for your business to get the best results. Your data easily integrates with the other ConceptDraw OFFICE v8 applications because of our innovative INGYRE technology.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 Features

The new ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 includes a set of improvements tailored to the needs of our users.

We are grateful to active MINDMAP users for the ideas that we use to improve MINDMAP.

The new release provides improved integration with ConceptDraw PROJECT and gets your specific tasks done quickly.

Extended filter and search capabilities are presented in the renewed Filter panel.

We hope the ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 to be the tool that helps you effectively achieve your goals in planning, organizing, and communicating.

Additional Functionality for Working with Filters

You can use Filter Panel to search and filter out your Mind Map Information.

The purpose of filtering is to focus on the crucial content of the mind map.

The filter in ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 helps to display relevant information by temporarily removing unnecessary entries from the view.

You can filter your mind map based on specific criteria, including topics, Notes, and even Symbols.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP v14 provides the ability to customize the filter by topic content: icons, callouts, hyperlinks as well, as by project task data.

Additionally, you can save your custom filters for the current document.

Improved Topic Date Panel UI

The interface and functionality of the side panels from the Project Management section have been updated.

The location of the UI controls has been changed on panels, used to manage data for Milestones, Projects, Project Group, and Human Resources.

Several new controls have been added, such as , time and resource setting controls.

Improved Compatibility with MS Office

ConceptDraw MINDMAP gives you the ability to convert your mind map into an MS Word format, which makes using mind maps in your daily workflow even easier when it comes time to share them with other people.

The latest version of ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides the ability to export to Microsoft Word document images as well as multi-page mind maps.

Advanced Mind Mapping capabilities

Making a mind map gets our thoughts onto the page organically, allowing ideas to stem from one another as they occur.

What if you suddenly find that you missed a thought or idea and it would be nice to find a place for it somewhere inside the already built map?

Nothing is easier – you can insert an intermediate topic inside an existing topic chain just in a single click.

Improved Interaction With ConceptDraw PROJECT

ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to exchange project data with ConceptDraw PROJECT.

You can change the project schedule and general project details in the mind map structure.

When you open this file in PROJECT, the file will save the date and duration changes made by MINDMAP.

Release Notes

System Requirements

– Microsoft Windows® 8.1, 10, 11 (64-bit)
– CPU: Intel or AMD; 1.8 GHz or higher
– RAM: minimum 4 GB
– HDD: minimum 1.5 GB disk space


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تحميل برنامج الخرائط الذهنية , حمل برابط مباشر برنامج الخرائط الذهنية ,حمل مجانا مع التفعيل برنامج الخرائط الذهنية , آخر إصدار من برنامج الخرائط الذهنية ConceptDraw MINDMAP , تحميل ConceptDraw MINDMAP , تنزيل ConceptDraw MINDMAP , حمل برابط واحد مباشر ConceptDraw MINDMAP ,


شاهد أيضاً :


تابع أحدث و أفضل البرامج من قسم البرامج من هنا .

كما يمكنك متابعتنا على صفحة فارس الاسطوانات على الفيسبوك .

ويمكنك الإنضمام لجروب فارس الإسطوانات على الفيسبوك .

مع تحيات موقع فارس الاسطوانات .

أسئلة حول برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024

هو برنامج رسم خرائط ذهنية احترافي تم تطويره بواسطة ConceptDraw Software. يوفر مجموعة واسعة من الميزات والأدوات لإنشاء خرائط ذهنية مفيدة وجميلة.

تشمل مزايا برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024 ما يلي:

مجموعة واسعة من القوالب والأشكال والرسومات التوضيحية لإنشاء خرائط ذهنية جذابة وغنية بالمعلومات.
أدوات متقدمة لتحرير الخرائط الذهنية، مثل القدرة على إضافة النصوص والصور والأشكال والاقتباسات والتعليقات التوضيحية والمزيد.
القدرة على تصدير الخرائط الذهنية إلى مجموعة متنوعة من تنسيقات الملفات، مثل PDF وJPEG وPNG وSVG وHTML.

تشمل عيوب برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024 ما يلي:

بعض المستخدمين يجدونها صعبة الاستخدام في البداية.

تشمل أفضل بدائل برنامج ConceptDraw MINDMAP 2024 ما يلي:

XMind: برنامج رسم خرائط ذهنية مجاني ومفتوح المصدر.
Mindmeister: برنامج رسم خرائط ذهنية سحابي.
Coggle: برنامج رسم خرائط ذهنية ويب بسيط.

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