برنامج أشامبو سناب Ashampoo Snap أحد برامج تصوير الشاشة والذى يتميز بسهولته وبدعمه للغة العربية فى واجهة المستخدم وأيضاً الكتاب على الفيديو والصور
يتيح لك هذا البرنامج تصوير شاشة الكومبيوتر لديك بما فى ذلك الفيديو الذى يعرض على الشاشة وأيضاً الألعاب 
وتستطيع تسجيل كل ما يحدث على شاشة الكومبيوتر واستخراجه على هيئة صور ثابتة أو صور متحركة او فلاش او فيديو .
يمكنك أيضاً استخدام العديد من الأدوات والأشكال الهندسية المساعدة لعمل الشروحات ونشرها على شكل فيديو .
ويمكنك أيضاً تحديد جزء من الشاشة لتصويره دون باقى الشاشة
يحتوى البرنامج أيضاً على أدوات إحترافية فى المونتاج فبعد تصوير الفيديو الذى تريده يمكنك عمل مونتاج له ومقدمة إحترافية يمكنك التعديل عليها بسهولة بعد اختيار .

Ashampoo Snap 7.0.8

Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for maximum flexibility, use timers for interval capturing

New in Ashampoo Snap 7

Smoother workflow
Ashampoo Snap 7 uses optimized drawing routines to provide a smoother, rounder look and feel that you will simply love.

Less complexity
With Ashampoo Snap 7, it takes less clicks to achieve your goals. Save time and boost your productivity.

Smarter work environment
Ashampoo Snap 7 employs smart background versioning so your original image is never lost and all modifications remain editable. Want to start over? Revert to the original at the click of a button.

More creative freedom
Ashampoo Snap 7 has all the tools you know and love and improves them. Apply gradients to almost any object, use the new outline style for visual accents, work with curved lines and arrows or 1-click clone objects for simple reuse. Not sure which application window you will later need? Simply use the new “Capture all visible desktop windows as objects” and capture all of them at once. The windows will then be captured into a single project but remain movable and resizable right from within Snap.

Sharing has never been easier
You no longer require an installed application to email your work, thanks to the integrated support for browser-based email clients. The integration with common file hosting services has also been greatly improved with integrated support for Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft Sky Drive. Need an even easier way to share your work? Upload it to Ashampoo Webspace, now with HTML 5 video support, and share a unique Internet link with your friends. Furthermore, Ashampoo Snap 7 features JXR and PSD export with layers for easy processing, e.g. with Adobe Photoshop, for power users.

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

مساحة البرنامج 31 ميجا
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