عملاق تصميم الاسطوانات التجميعية 2018 | Indigo Rose AutoPlay Media Studio 8.5.2

عملاق تصميم الاسطوانات التجميعية | Indigo Rose AutoPlay Media Studio

هذا البرنامج يعد من أكبر وأقوى برامج صناعة الاسطوانات ويعتمد عليه أكبر الشركات العالمية وعلى الرغم من وجود العديد من البرامج التى تقوم بنفس المهمة إلا أنها لا تستطيع حتى منافسته وهذا يرجع إلى سهولة البرنامج وأيضاً إحتوائه على العديد من الأدوات والإضافات المساعدة والتى من الممكن أن تعتمد عليها فقط دون إستخدام أى برنامج آخر
كما أن البرنامج إحترافى ويلبى غرض المحترفين لأنه يتيح لك إستيراد الخلفيات والأزرار التى يمكنك تصنيعها ببرامج التصميم المحتلفة مثل الفوتوشوب والفلاش والسويش ماكس وغيرهم
كما أن البرنامج له لغة برمجة خاصة تسمى lua وهى لغة سهلة جداً ويمكنك إضافة الأكواد الخاصة بها بشكل تلقائى سهل عن طريق البرنامج . وهذا ما يلبى غرض المحترفيين من حيث إتاحة الفرصة لكتابة الأكواد لتنفيذ المهام التى يتطلبها المشروع
وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصار من البرنامج مرفق معه باتش التفعيل

عملاق تصميم الاسطوانات التجميعية | Indigo Rose AutoPlay Media Studio

عملاق تصميم الاسطوانات التجميعية 2018 | Indigo Rose AutoPlay Media Studio 8.5.2

AutoPlay Media Studio will help you create professional software, presentations, autorun CD/DVD ROMs and more by simply dragging, dropping and integrating your favorite media files such as MP3s, video, photos, and flash movies. It’s just that easy. Then create powerful interactions between your media files and objects by selecting actions from a friendly script menu and publish your projects with a single click. AutoPlay Media Studio is the industry standard for creating professional interactive CD-ROM AutoPlay and AutoRun menu systems.

AutoPlay Media Studio Makes It Easy
With AutoPlay Media Studio it’s easy to create your own interactive multimedia software. Even if you’re not a “programmer”, you’ll be creating professional projects in no time. It’s all done in a completely visual, drag-and-drop design environment. From images, text and music to video, drop-down lists and web content, you simply move things into place using your mouse.

Add Powerful Interactivity
With a built-in library of more than 250 easy to use actions, adding interactivity to your projects is a breeze. Whether you’re a complete novice or a seasoned programmer used to working with Microsoft Visual Basic, Macromedia Director, Microsoft Visual C++ or Borland Delphi, you’ll find that AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0 deserves a place in your toolbox. It’s perfect for making autorun CD/DVD’s, software installer menus, electronic business cards, training material and just about any other interactive multimedia project you can think of!

Drag-and-Drop Development
Creating professional multimedia software can be both easy and fun, thanks to AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0. In fact, with our award winning WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) visual design environment, anyone can do it! Simply drag and drop your media content (text, photos, videos, Macromedia Flash, and much more) onto “pages” and then add interactivity with over 250 built-in actions. It couldn’t be easier!

Interactive Objects
There are over a dozen different object types to choose from. Objects types include buttons, text labels, paragraph text, images, videos, Macromedia Flash, web browsers, hotspots, input fields, list boxes, drop-down lists, progress bars and tree controls. Each object includes a variety of events and is fully customizable.

Easy Publishing
AutoPlay Media Studio makes packaging up and distributing your finished project a snap. Whether you’d like to create a single-file executable for distribution by web download or email, or burn it to a CD/DVD data disc, it just takes a few clicks. You can even choose to publish to ISO CD/DVD images or to a hard drive folder for packing it up with an installer/setup builder.

Professional Templates
Choose from a variety of ready-to-use projects and then modify them to fit your needs. We include examples of software installer menus, electronic business cards, marketing brochures and many others. It’s also easy to make your own project templates or to add-in templates made by others.

Easy to Learn
It couldn’t be easier to create powerful multimedia applications. We’ve packed the software with wizards, tutorials, a user’s guide, context sensitive help and much more. It’s also backed up with world-class technical support options, online discussion groups, and video training lessons.

Content Gallery
We’ve included a ton of great content to get you started including background images, photos, abstracts, panels, bars, bullets, buttons, sound effects and even music files. Simply mix and match to put together a great looking project in no time.

Project Explorer
Get an overview of your project in one place. You can see all of the pages, events and objects in your project organized into a tree hierarchy. Double-click any item to edit its properties or right-click for common commands. It’s a great way to see how everything is connected.

Release Notes:
• Feature: Added 15 new project templates.
• Fix: Changed the Play Multimedia quick action so that it uses the default verb for the file type instead of the “play” verb. This provides greater compatibility.
• Fix: Fixed an issue where the File.Move action’s “IncludeHiddenFiles” parameter default didn’t match what was being used. It now uses the correct value from the prototype when not defined.
• Fix: Addressed an issue in the File.Copy and File.Move actions where if the path contained erroneous backslashes in some locations, it would result in unpredictable file attributes being set. It may also result in the source folder being deleted in the File.Move action.
• Fix: Made the Registry.GetValue action able to read REG_MULTI_SZ values containing null characters within it’s data.

مساحة البرنامج 70 ميجا تقريبا

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برنامج تصميم الاسطوانات 2018 , برنامج اوتوبلاى 2017 , برنامج برمجة الاسطوانات , برنامج صناعة الاسطوانات , برنامج اوتوبلاى ميديا ستوديو 2018 , آخر إصدار من برنامج اوتوبلاى ميديا ستوديو , برنامج AutoPlay Media Studio  , تحميل AutoPlay Media Studio  , سيريال AutoPlay Media Studio 2018   , باتش AutoPlay Media Studio

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