برنامج مجانى لصيانة وتصليح الفلاشات من الفيروسات ومخاطرها
البرنامج سهل الإستخدام ويتيح لك فحص قوى للفلاشات وكل ما يتم توصيله باليو إس بى وبعد الفحص يقوم البرنامج بتحديد المشاكل الموجودة وإصلاحها وكذلك إزالة الفيروسات والملفات الخبيثة مما يضمن لك أمان تام على جهازك من ناحية فيروسات اليو إس بى وإصلاح مشاكل وأعطال الفلاشات بجميع انواعها وكذلك كروت الميمورى التى يتم توصيلها باليو إس بى
يميز البرنامج أيضاً أنه يمكنك من تصليح الفلشلات وإزالة الفيروسات دون عمل فورمات
كما أن البرنامج يعتمد على قاعدة بيانات كبيرة من شركة بيتدفيندر الشهيرة فى الحماية
يصدر للبرنامج إصدارات وتحديثات كثيرة وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم

برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016 | USBFIX 2016 8.221

برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016  USBFIX 2016 8.221 (1)
برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016 | USBFIX 2016 8.221
برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016  USBFIX 2016 8.221 (2)
برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016 | USBFIX 2016 8.221
برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016  USBFIX 2016 8.221 (3)
برنامج حماية وصيانة الفلاشات 2016 | USBFIX 2016 8.221

UsbFix is a free, malware removal tool that helps you to detect and remove infected USB memory sticks or any other USB removable devices such as external HDD (Hard Drive), phones, smartphones, digital cameras or anything else that connects to your computer or laptop via the USB port. The main advantages of using this utility is the excellent support and features (see below) that will help you to deal with infected USB devices. Famous malware (virus) threats such as Conficker have the ability to spread using removable devices by making their own DLL and autorun.inf files that will help them to infect any device that offers USB connectivity.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you reinstall your operating system – if your antivirus doesn’t recognize the virus on the infected USB device, once you plug-in the USB – you will get the virus. The current version runs on almost all versions of Microsoft Windows such as XP, Vista, 7 and 8.

– excellent support offered directly from the software interface – post your issues on the forum
– great tutorial and articles that will show you how to use the program and deal with malware
– it can detect and remove infections found on your removable devices
– repairs the damaged files such as: registry, hidden files, task manager etc.
– back-up support: it will backup your files and folders.
– regurarly, updated database with latest infections that spreads via removable devices
– Vaccination option: prevents future infections by creating new autorun.inf files on removable drives
– offers protection for all USB peripherals (pendrives, external hard drives, smartphones, memory cards etc.)
– detects and removes most common threats: VBS viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, other malware infections
– opens automatically a log file (txt) after each scan or action.

UsbFix Review
Unfortunately, most people will read and land on this page after malware infection occur, but thanks to this program, most will be able to recover their USB device. There is no guarantee it will work for everyone but still, you should try this tool if the malware came out via USB.

Assuming that you already tried several anti-malware tools, download and run UsbFix. For existing infections you only need to press two buttons:

1. Research – This button will scan for common USB related infections on your computer and all USB devices connected to your computer. If you suspect a certain USB device (stick, external hard drive, memory card) please insert it on your computer *after* you start UsbFix and as soon as you connect it, press the “Research” button. There is no need to disable your anti-virus protection as this program should not interfere with other anti-malware tools such as your current anti-virus product. At the end of the scan, a TXT file will open automatically – this is the scan log so this is normal!

2. Clean – As soon as the scan (previous step named “Research”) has finished press the “Clean” button and any infection detected will be removed. That would be it but make sure to prevent other future infections so read below:

Note: If you are one of the lucky guys who managed to remove an infection with UsbFix, you should also know that UsbFix can stop/prevent future infections with just a few easy steps.

1. Vaccinate – use this feature for any new USB device that you just bought or received as a gift. Start this program, insert the USB device in your computer and hit the “Vaccinate” button and that’s it, most viruses won’t be able to install or spread via this device which will be immune to them. The principle is similar with the one that we, humans take certain vaccines to become immune to certain viruses/infections.

2. Go to “Options” and look for “Disable Autorun/AutoPlay” feature, make sure its checked and don’t forget to click on “Apply” button.

Prevention tips:
– DO NOT insert a USB flash drive from a friend, colleague or anyone else assuming that it is clean. You have no way to determine if it is clean or not.
– if you purchase a new USB flash drive or any similar device from a trusted vendor, you can easily infect it if you connect it to another 3rd party computer: friend, colleague etc. Again, another operating system may be already compromised which will only infect your device and obviously your computer.
– recent studies shows that 20%-30% of malware infections spread via USB drives: exploiting AutoRun (autorun.inf) feature, that’s why we recommend you to disable this feature completely using this software.

Conclusion: You have to understand that a malware infection is only a term when we refer to adware, spyware, worms, trojans, rootkits, computer viruses, scareware, ransomware etc. Malware infections can occur in various scenarios so this where UsbFix can come in handy: it can stop/remove various infections and work as a prevention tool. With other words, because of the frequent updates, it is one of the best tools in this area and for most people will do an excellent job. If this software was helpful, please consider a donation to support the author and encourage him to release better and improved versions.

Whats New :
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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