يتم إعداد الكتب المدرسية واسطوانات الفيديو التي تم إعدادها في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة للمساعدة في تعليم الأطفال في سنواتهم الأولى.
فازت أقراص DVD الخاصة بشركة Preschool Prep Company بأكثر من 25 جائزة وطنية وتم استخدامها في المدارس في جميع أنحاء البلاد.
تتميز هذه الموسوعة بمساعدة الأطفال على تطوير أساس قوي لمساعدة الأطفال على تعلم القراءة.
تقدم منتجات Prechool Prep Series مجموعة من الأدوات للأطفال لاستخدامها كتعلم مفاهيم أساسيات مثل :
الحرف ، الرقم ، الشكل والتعرف على اللون ، كلمات البصر ومهارات الصوتيات.
سوف تكون مندهشًا لما يمكن أن يتعلمه طفلك الصغير!
يتم استخدام PreSchool Prep Complete في آلاف المدارس في جميع أنحاء العالم
الآن يمكنك امتلاك عشر اسطوانات فيديو رقمية لشركة Preschool Prep Company مع هذه المجموعة الشاملة.
كما يمكنك تحميل جميع الاسطوانة بصيغة Mp4 وبحجم أقل من هنا
موسوعة تعليم الإنجليزية للأطفال | PreSchool Prep Complete 10 DVD
الكورس مكون من 10 اسطوانات فيديو بحجم 42 جيجا … لكن تم الضغط لتصبح بحجم 21 جيجا وتم الرفع برابط واحد وروابط مقسمة
معلومات عن الموسوعة :
Preschool Prep Company books and DVDs are created to help educate children in their early years.
Preschool Prep Company DVDs have won over 25 national awards and are used in schools across the country.
We are dedicated to helping children develop a strong foundation to help children learn how to read.
Preschool Prep Series products provide a set of tools for children to use when they are ready.
Our products teach basics concepts such as letter, number, shape and color recognition, sight words and phonics skills.
You will be amazed at what your little one can learn!
Our products are used in thousands of schools across the country!
Now you can own all ten Preschool Prep Company DVDs with this boxed set.
Plus, get free ground ship ping within the US!
You will be amazed at what your little one can learn! Letters, Numbers, Shapes and Colors can be viewed in English and Spanish.
Preschool Prep Company DVDs have won over 25 national awards
and are used in thousands of schools across the country!
* Dr. Toy’s 10 Best Educational Products
* DVD of the Year Award – Creative Child Magazine
* Product of the Year Award – Informal Education Products
* Scholastic Instructor Magazine — Teachers Picks
* 10 Best Audio-Video Products — Dr. Toy
* Moms Best Award
* Family Choice Award
* iParenting Media Award
* Dr. Toy 10 Best Audio-Video Products
* Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award
* 100 Best Children’s Products Winner — Dr. Toy
* NAPPA Gold Award — National Parenting Publication
* Film Advisory Board — Award of Excellence
Format: 10x NTSC DVD5 .ISO
* Meet the Letters – upper and lowercase letter recognition
* Meet the Numbers – number recognition from 0 to 10
* Meet the Shapes – 8 basic shapes
* Meet the Colors – 8 basic colors
* Meet the Sight Words 1 — 16 basic kindergarten sight words (sight words are words that don’t follow basic decoding rules and must be memorized)
* Meet the Sight Words 2 –16 basic kindergarten sight words
* Meet the Sight Words 3 — Meet the Sight Words 1, 2, and 3 teach the 47 most frequent kindergarten sight words.
* Meet the Phonics — Letter Sounds — teaches the different sounds that each letter makes along with basic phonics rules, such as “r-controlled vowels” and “silent e”
* Meet the Phonics — Blends – two letters that come together and keep their own sounds (br, cl) are taught in primary schools as “letter blends”
* Meet the Phonics — Digraphs – two letters that come together and make a single sound (ch, gh) are taught as “letter digraphs”
For ages 9 months to 7 years
Introducing the New Phonics Series!
* Meet the Blends:
Children will fall in love with these wonderful characters as they Meet the Blends. Two letters that come together and keep their own sounds are taught in primary school as letter blends. Meet the Blends makes learning to identify blends fun and easy. Meet the Blends teaches 20 basic blends that are taught in primary schools across the country. Blends are taught both alone and in word context.
* Meet the Digraphs:
Children will truly enjoy these wonderful characters as they Meet the Digraphs. Two letters that come together to form a single sound are taught in primary school as letter digraphs. Meet the Digraphs makes learning to identify digraphs fun and easy. Meet the Digraphs teaches 13 basic digraphs that are taught in schools across the country. Digraphs are taught both alone and in the context of words.
* Meet the Letter Sounds:
Children love learning to recognize letter characters with the Meet the Letters DVD. Now with Meet the Letter Sounds, kids will learn the different sounds that letters make. Meet the Letter Sounds features many new letter characters, and also brings back old favorites from Meet the Letters.
Files: 10 Iso’s
مساحة الموسوعة 21 جيجا تقريباً
تحميل موفق للجميع
انتهى الموضوع
كلمات دلالية :
PreSchool Prep Complete , كورس PreSchool Prep Complete , تحميل اسطوانات PreSchool Prep Complete , موسوعة PreSchool Prep Complete لتعليم الإنجليزية للاطفال , تعليم الانجليزية للأطفال بالصوت والصورة , تعلم الانجليزية للأطفال , تعليم الانجليزية للاطفال من 3-6 سنوات , تعليم الانجليزية للاطفال بالصوت والصورة , تعليم الانجليزية للاطفال يوتيوب , تعليم الحروف الانجليزيه ونطقها للاطفال , برنامج تعليم الانجليزية للاطفال بالصوت والصورة , برنامج تعليم الانجليزيه للاطفال بالصوت والصوره رائع , نشيد تعليم الحروف الانجليزية للاطفال , تعلم الانجليزية للاطفال من سن 3-6