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MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO

تحتوى اسطوانة MiniTool Partition Wizard على مجموعة من الأدوات الهامة للصيانة اللازمة لتقسيم الهارديسك .

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اسطوانة تقسيم الهارد و الصيانة | MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO 12.1 (x64)

اسطوانة تقسيم الهارد و الصيانة | MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO




MiniTool Partition Wizard is a rich-featured partition magic, which is designed to optimize disk usage and to protect your data. It comes with so many powerful features with which you can completely control your hard disk and partition. With its user-friendly interface and straightforward guidance, you are able to resize partition, copy disk, scan lost partitions, and migrate OS to SSD easily and safely. Due to its outstanding performance, MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Edition has earned good reputation among global users.

Create/Delete/Format Partition

Create/delete partition in simple steps. Format inaccessible hard drive and convert RAW to NTFS to revive your hard drive.

Move/Resize Partition

Move non-adjacent partitions together for extending purpose; enlarge C drive to remove low disk space warning.

Copy Disk/Partition

Fully copy disk to disk, or copy the content of a partition to another location without data loss. Works for both system and non-system disk partition.

Wipe Disk/Partition

Erase the data on the partition completely and ensure that the data removed cannot be recovered by any data recovery solution.

Merge/Split Partition

Combine two partitions into one without losing data. Split a hard drive into two partitions for various data saving purpose.

Disk/Partition Check

Cover all the disk/partition checking features you can find from Free Edition like file system check, disk surface test, view disk property, etc



Extend System Partition

Extend system partition to solve low disk space issue by its “Move/Resize Partition” & “Extend Partition” f

Copy Disk Partition

Copy disk partition for hard drive upgrade or for data backup in case that your computer may run into a problem.

Merge Adjacent Partitions

Combine two adjacent partitions into a bigger one safely so as to make full use of the unused space.

Migrate OS to SSD

Migrate OS to SSD/HD to get better computer performance or to back up OS for system restoration.

Surface Test

Check disk/partition surface test to confirm whether there are bad sectors on the target location.

Basic Management

Enable to manage disk partitions such as create, delete, format, split, wipe, align partition and more.

Convert Disk Partition Table

Convert non-system disk from MBR to GPT and vice versa without data loss to support large drive or full OS.

Convert File System?

Convert NTFS to FAT or convert FAT to NTFS without formatting to support early Windows OS or to store large files.

Set Primary/Logical

Set partition logical to create more than four partitions or set partition primary to make it active.?

System Requirements:

OS:Win7/8/8.1/10 x64


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اسطوانة تقسيم الهارد MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO , تحميل اسطوانة MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE , اسطوانة برنامج MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO , شرح اسطوانة MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO, حمل برابط مباشر MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO , تنزيل MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate WinPE ISO 2021

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