كورس المحاسبة بإستخدام إكسيل | Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019

كورس المحاسبة بإستخدام إكسيل | Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019

Template Included For Download! Learn How To Do Basic Accounting, Track Revenue, Expenses, Profit and Cash.

Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019

كورس المحاسبة بإستخدام إكسيل | Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019

 تعلم كيفية القيام المحاسبة الأساسية ، وتتبع الإيرادات والمصروفات والأرباح والنقد.

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كورس المحاسبة بإستخدام إكسيل | Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019

Template Included For Download! Learn How To Do Basic Accounting.

Track Revenue, Expenses, Profit and Cash.

What you’ll learn

Learn From A Top Rated Instructor Who Has Been Teaching On Udemy Since 2013 and Taught Over 100,000 Students!
Template Available For Download at Course End!
Track Revenues.
Track Expenses.
Track Cash Balances.
Track Cash Spending.
Determine Profitability.
Make Decisions.
Track Basic Accounting.
And Much More.!


A spreadsheet program – Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (free).


Does The Idea Of Learning An Entire Accounting System Like Quickbooks Not Appeal To You?

Do You Run A Business You Want To Properly Do Accounting For But With Ease and Low Effort?

Do You Want A Free Solution To Doing Accounting?

Do You Want An Intuitive Method For Doing Accounting Without Having An Accounting Degree?

Do You Want To Increase Your Knowledge Of Your Business Performance?

If You Answered “Yes” To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!

*** Updated November 2019 with new content! ***

Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!

Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:

You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads.

You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly.!

You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success.!

Bonus Reason: I provide the template we build in this course for you to download at the end!

Recent Review:

Steve S. says: “Great information in this course.

I really didn’t want to learn accounting or buy accounting software for my small business.

I’m too busy and not interested. I knew though I needed to keep track of my books somehow.

and this course helped greatly!

Now I can actually run my business and track results with ease.”

Why You Should Take This Course:

As an entrepreneur, you have to wear many hats.

One which often gets ignored is having a full understanding of how much money is coming in.

where its being spent.

how you are growing, and what you could be doing to grow more! Basic accounting at its finest if you will.

By spending a little bit of time each week to do accounting, setting goals and tracking your results.

you’ll have far greater insight into what works and what doesn’t.

and how to proceed. You will also be documenting a history of your sales for you to refer to in the future.

In this course I teach you how to build a relatively simple but VERY effective accounting system in Excel (or Google Sheets) to track actual results. Take your business to the next level.

When your business grows further to needing a fully dynamic accounting system you can easily import the data you’ve tracked in Excel (Sheets).

What We Learn In The Course:

Learn basic Excel concepts for anyone not familiar with the program.

Learn basic accounting concepts.

Learn how to set up a proper revenue/expense/cash tracking spreadsheet.

Learn how to create reports to track your businesses profit and cash balance.

Learn how to properly set sales goals and what factors should be considered.

Graph your results for visual representation of how you are performing.

Make intelligent business decisions.

And more! By the end of the course you’ll be ready to take your business to the next level..

This course is not meant to be a complete introduction to accounting, instead it is for entrepreneurs who want to do basic tracking of revenue, expenses, cash and profitability.

At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I’d be happy to answer any and all questions.


Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy.

I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!

Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA

Who this course is for:

Small business owners.
Cash based businesses.
Online sellers.
Anyone with a business that brings in money and has some expenses.

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Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019 , تحميل Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019 , كورس Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2019

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