تعلم Oracle SQL من خلال تدريب عملي شامل. كن مطورًا متميزًا لـ Oracle SQL.

الكورس باللغة الإنجليزية مقدم من يوديمى

كورس أوراكل إس كيو إل | The Ultimate Oracle SQL Course

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كورس أوراكل إس كيو إل | The Ultimate Oracle SQL Course

 Updated for Oracle 18c! Learn Oracle SQL with a comprehensive hands-on training.

Become a standout Oracle SQL developer.

What you’ll learn

You will be able to use SQL to retrieve, filter, analyze, format and present information from Oracle databases.

    You will be able to use SQL to insert, modify and delete information from Oracle databases.

    You will understand SQL code written by other people and feel confident to modify it.

    You will be able to write the SQL code needed to solve the most common problems found in real work situations and academic tests.

    Please note that PL/SQL is not covered in this course.


If you want to install your own database you will need a computer running Windows or Linux

where you can install and run applications (A computer running Mac OS X can be used as well

but you will need to run your database software on a virtual machine).

    If you don’t have a computer where you can install and run applications

or you don’t want to do that, you can take the whole course and do all the coding exercises from any device with internet access

from the browser (this includes tablets and even smart phones).

    You should have a real desire to learn, and time to watch the lectures

and practice the concepts as suggested by the instructor.

Ideally you should have taken the free Udemy course “Oracle SQL Developer :

Tips and Tricks”, because knowing how to use SQL Developer would be of great help in your SQL learning process.


Updated for Oracle 18c !

Oracle is currently the most popular relational database management system in the world.

It is used by thousands of big companies who are usually willing to pay good salaries to the right people

which includes those with practical Oracle SQL knowledge that is based on best practices and experience.

Most SQL courses give you theoretical SQL knowledge. In this course you will learn by actually writing code.

In spite of what you might have heard, relational databases are not going away anytime soon

and the demand for good Oracle SQL developers will continue on the rise.

Learn Oracle SQL in a practical and smart way and jump-start your career:

    Understand the most basic concepts about relational databases and Oracle.

Learn how to read, filter and sort information from database tables.

Learn how to use comparison, logical, set and other type of operators in Oracle SQL.

    Learn how to use numeric, text, date, conversion, aggregate, analytic and other types of Oracle SQL functions.

Learn how to add, modify and delete information from Oracle databases using SQL.

    Learn how to use SQL to create and use tables, constraints, sequences, indexes and views.

    Get tips and knowledge that is usually only learned through years of SQL experience.

Much more.

Oracle  implementation of SQL is very powerful. Learn it and use it smartly and stand out from the crowd.

I created this course because although there are many courses about Oracle SQL available on different platforms and in different formats

most of them, if not all, focus too much on “telling” or “demonstrating” how to do things, but don’t give you, as a student

the opportunity to test and practice what is being taught. Some of them tell you to practice or to do things along the instructor

but unfortunately, such approach doesn’t really work.

Seeing how things are done or just copying or repeating what you see on the screen is not going to help you learn SQL.

You might feel that you are learning, but when the time comes for you to write a command on your own

you are most likely not going to feel very confident.

In addition to that, most SQL courses, if not all, teach you the same kind of content you would find in a text book, but

what about those things that are not part of the “official” curriculum and are only learned through experience?

The goal of this course is to help you learn Oracle SQL in a way that can make you stand out from the crowd.

I really want you to learn and shine, and at the same time contribute with my grain of sand to bring more talented people to the IT industry.

Content and Overview:

This course was designed with beginners in mind, but if you have some previous SQL knowledge you will still learn a lot.

After setting the learning environment, it starts with the most basic concepts about databases in general

and a very short introduction to Oracle and the SQL language.

You will start learning about the simplest SQL statements and before you even notice it

you will be gradually progressing to more advanced concepts.

It does not include demonstration lectures because the whole course is a coding demonstration.

In 90% of the video lectures you will be watching my computer screen while I type, explain and run Oracle SQL code.

It does not include labs at the end of each section because practically every lesson has a coding task for you to practice what you are learning.

Please note that PL/SQL (Oracle’s procedural language) is not covered in this course.

You are hiring me to teach you Oracle SQL, and that is what I am going to do

and I will do my best to help you learn in a way that can really make you stand out from the crowd

of thousands of people who start learning SQL every day.

I will not only teach you SQL.

I will share my years of Oracle experience with you through what I call “experience tips”.

Those tips can really help you differentiate.

And you don’t even need to have a computer on which you can install Oracle software to take the course.

I will show you how you can watch the whole course and do practically all the coding exercises from your browser

without needing to install anything, if that is what you need or want.

Oracle SQL is very powerful, and you are about to start learning it!

You could be being seen as an experienced and knowledgeable SQL developer by your friends

peers and potential employers in a very short time, but you have to take action. If you want my help, you’ve got it.

Who this course is for:

Aspiring application or database developers looking to acquire solid SQL knowledge to improve their careers.

    College/University students who need SQL knowledge to pass their database-related courses

    Anyone with only basic SQL knowledge wanting to solidify their skill and use the language with confidence.

    This course is not for you if you are already an experienced SQL developer looking to learn the most advanced features of the language.

    This course is not for you if you are looking for a theoretical course.

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كلمات دلالية :

كورس أوراكل إس كيو إل , تحميل كورس أوراكل إس كيو إل , حمل برابط واحد كورس أوراكل إس كيو إل , حمل على أكثر من سيرفر كورس أوراكل إس كيو إل , The Ultimate Oracle SQL Course, تحميل The Ultimate Oracle SQL Course , حمل برابط واحد The Ultimate Oracle SQL Course

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