كورس موفافى لمونتاج الفيديو | Movavi Tutorial Full Course

كورس موفافى لمونتاج الفيديو | Movavi Tutorial Full Course

Edit video’s FAST with Movavi Video Editor. Master Movavi Video Editor TODAY!

Movavi Tutorial Full Course

كورس موفافى لمونتاج الفيديو | Movavi Tutorial Full Course

هل تعلم أن تحرير الفيديو هو وسيلة رائعة لممارسة إبداعك وإيصال رسالتك إلى جمهورك!

هذا هو السبب في استخدامه في جميع أنحاء العالم ، ويظل واحدا من أقوى الأدوات الموجودة اليوم!

في هذه الدورة “Movavi Tutorial Full Course” أود أن أعلمك كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته لتجميع مقطع فيديو رائع ،

حتى تتمكن من البدء في الاستفادة من تحرير الفيديو في أقرب وقت ممكن.

ربما يكون مجالك في حقل معين أو تكون شخصًا ما يحاول بدء تشغيل مدونة فيديو ،

وكل ما تريد القيام به هو معرفة كيفية تحرير مقطع فيديو

دون رغبتك في محاولة تعلم Adobe Premiere Pro والبرامج المعقدة الأخرى ،

والتي في حد ذاتها يمكن أن يستغرق بسهولة عدة ساعات لتعلم الأساسيات.

لكن في كورس ، “Movavi Tutorial، Full Course” ،  سأتمكن من تعليمك كيفية تحرير مادة جيدة حقًا ؛

 وعمل فيديو جيد بما يكفي لإقناع أصدقائك وعائلتك وزملائك في العمل وبالطبع … نفسك! 🙂

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كورس موفافى لمونتاج الفيديو | Movavi Tutorial Full Course

Learn to Edit and Create videos as fast as possible! No experience needed. Get started today!

What you’ll learn

All student will be able to create their own great videos. Whether it be videos for YouTube, course creation (Like this course), promotional videos, Business related videos for work projects, etc!

Feel more comfortable moving onto more complex Video editing software in the future once you have a better understanding of the subject.

Familiarize yourself with basic and semi-complex video editing and apply your skills to a business, personal, leisurely activities.

Add your new video editing skills to your CV and impress your employer or use your skill to improve your own business. In any case, EVERYONE can relate to video! So what not learn it 🙂


No prior knowledge needed. In the first lesson, I'll show you how to get a free trial version of the video editor used in the course.
Be prepared to find out how simple it really is to start creating and editing your own video!


Did you know that video editing is a great way to exercise your creativity and get your message across to your audience! This is why it is used all over the world, and it remains one of the most powerful tools in existence today!

I know it might sound like a bit of a tall statement, but in this course “Movavi Tutorial, Full Course” I would like to teach you everything you need to know in order to piece together a great video, so you can start benefiting from video editing as soon as possible.

Maybe your a professional in a certain field or a certain someone trying to start a Vlog,

and all you’d like to do is learn how to edit a video without taking on the mammoth task of trying to learn Adobe Premiere Pro and other complex software,

which in itself can easily take several hours to learn the basics. But In my course, “Movavi Tutorial, Full Course”, I feel confident enough that I’ll be able to teach you how to edit a REALLY good; a video good enough to impress your friends, family, work colleagues and of course… yourself! 🙂

What you will learn:

The basics of video editing

Managing sound and music with Movavi software

Simple but great tricks to get the most out of you video editing

How to render a video so you can upload online without running into any problems

Shortcuts to edit video as efficiently as possible


and much more!

With video editing courses, there is a usually a requirement to have the editing software to hand. But not to worry,

because in this course I’ll show you how to get Movavi’s Video Editing Suite as a free trial version with all functionality included! Then, if you wanted to purchase the software at a later date, I have a “generic” coupon code you can use to get a discount on the product (Not an affiliate coupon). This is all explained in one of the early lessons.

If you are looking at stepping into the world of Vlogging (Video logging), then this is the course you need to get started straight away.

A lot of vloggers use simple video editing software, like the one you will be introduced to in this course, because it can still offer high quality video and sound without hours and hours of editing.

So, whatever your motive is to learn video editing, let “Movavi Tutorial, Full Course”, teach you all about it, and who knows where your skills will take you next 🙂
See you in the first lesson,
Warrick Klimaytys

Who this course is for:

Any person or group of people who would like to learn how to create and edit video.
It's great for any aspiring person feels even slightly intimidated by all video creation topics and would like to once and for all learn how to use video editing software, and use it well.
Any person or group of people who want to add video editing to their personal skill set.

مساحة الكورس 1.4 جيجا

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