كورس البرمجة فى إكسيل | Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners

كورس البرمجة فى إكسيل | Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners

Learn step by step how to automate your spreadsheets using the power of programming in Excel! This course is designed to teach beginners who have no background in programming how to program in Excel VBA!

Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners

كورس البرمجة فى إكسيل | Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners

تعلم خطوة بخطوة كيفية أتمتة جداول البيانات الخاصة بك باستخدام قوة البرمجة في Excel!

تم تصميم هذه الدورة لتعليم المبتدئين الذين ليس لديهم خلفية في كيفية البرمجة في Excel VBA!

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مقدم من يوديمى مع المرفقات

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كورس البرمجة فى إكسيل | Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners

A Beginner’s Roadmap to Learning Excel VBA !

What you’ll learn

By the end of the course, You will have developed a solid foundation in Excel VBA that will enable you to tackle more advanced topics in Excel VBA with ease.
Learn how to deal with cells, worksheets, workbooks, and other objects in Excel using the VBA Language
Learning one programming language can help you learn other programming languages as well!


You should be an intermediate user of Excel
You need to know how to write formulas, use pivot tables and draw charts.
You need to have Excel 2007 or later


Learn step by step how to automate your spreadsheets using the power of programming in Excel!

This course is designed to teach beginners who have no background in programming how to program in Excel VBA!

What you need before taking this course

The will to learn !
You need to be at least an intermediate user of Excel, know how to write formulas, draw charts and use pivot tables.

A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips

Learning how to program in Excel will increase your market value and allow you to save time on your spreadsheets.

It will also be a great way to tap into the world of programming, and will help lay the foundation in case you need to learn any other programming language!

Who is the target audience?

This course is targeted towards beginners who want to start learning how to program in Excel.

If you don’t know anything about Macros/VBA language, then this course is for you.

If you can only record Macros, but don’t know how to write VBA code, then this course is for you as well.

If you already know how to write VBA code, including IF statements,Loops, and use Events, then this course isn’t for you.

You need to be someone who knows his way around Excel and knows how to write formulas,use pivot tables, and draw charts.

Who this course is for:

Someone who wants to learn how to program/write code in Excel using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language.
Needs to know how to write formulas, use pivot tables and draw charts in Excel.

مساحة الكورس 3.3 جيجا

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Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners , تحميل كورس Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners , حمل برابط مباشر Excel VBA Macros foundations for beginners

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