كورس اليستريتور | Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course

كورس اليستريتور | Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course

The Complete Adobe Illustrator CC Course 100+ Editable Vectors(Icons,Design elements, Logos, Business cards…) Included

Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course

كورس اليستريتور | Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course

هذه الدورة مثالية للمبتدئين. لا توجد خبرة سابقة في Adobe Illustrator مطلوبة.

في هذه الدورة التدريبية لـ Adobe Illustrator ، ستتعلم كل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول استخدام Illustrator وجميع الأدوات المتاحة.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، سأريك تقنيات توفير الوقت التي أستخدمها لسير عمل سريع ومثمر.

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مع المرفقات مقدم من يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :


كورس اليستريتور | Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course

The Complete Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Course for 2020 + 100+ Vectors(Icons,Design elements, Logos, Business cards…

What you’ll learn

Illustrator Basics
You will be able to start earning money from your Illustrator Skills.
Navigate Adobe Illustrator CC like a pro.
Design your own graphics, without any experience.
Export your projects for print, web, or other design projects.
Learn useful keyboard shortcuts and best practices


No Prior knowledge is needed
Any version of Adobe Illustrator, preferably not older than Illustrator CS6.


This course is perfect for beginners. No previous Adobe Illustrator experience required. In this Adobe Illustrator training course, you will learn everything you need to know about using Illustrator and all the tools available. Plus, I’ll show you the same time saving techniques I use for a fast and productive workflow.

Throughout the course, I encourage students to practice what they learn and post their work in the discussion area for any type of feedback (or additional questions).

Once you’ve completed this comprehensive course on Adobe Illustrator CC, you’ll be comfortable with the tools, how to apply them and have the skill set for a fast and productive workflow.

100+ Vectors(Icons,Design elements, Logos, Invitation card, Business card, Infographics and more) included.
Who this course is for:

Perfect for Beginners
This course is meant for people new to Illustrator or those who know a little about it and want to know more.
Anyone Who want to Be learn Adobe Illustrator from scratch

مساحة الكورس  900 ميجا تقريبا

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كورس Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course , تحميل كورس Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course , حمل برابط مباشر Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Beginners Mastery Course

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