كورس تعلم لغة ال CSS
تعلم تصميم المواقع بلغة ال css

ماذا ستتعلم فى هذا الكورس

  1. تعلم لغة ال CSS.
  2. تعلم لغة تصميم المواقع CSS.
  3. تصميم صفحات الويب بCSS.
  4. تنسيق صفحات الويب والمواقع الالكترونية بلغة ال CSS.







متطلبات الكورس

  • PC
  • Code editor

محتوى كورس: كورس تعلم لغة ال CSS

كورس تعلم لغة ال CSS عربي مجانا من يوديمي

Am I ready to learn CSS?

Before starting this course, you must be proficient in the HTML language, because this language is mainly used with it.

If you have never learned HTML, don’t worry at all because we have prepared a comprehensive reference for it.

What is the CSS language

In the beginning, the word CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheet, and it is a language used in designing web pages, through which you can change the colors of elements, specify their locations and sizes, add effects to them, make web pages responsive to different screen sizes in order to appear appropriately to the user whether he is opening page by phone, tablet or computer, in addition to a lot of great things that you will learn step by step in this course.

كورس تعلم لغة ال CSS

Who is this reference prepared for?

This reference is made for all people who want to learn.

So whether you are an amateur, a student or a programmer, this reference will help you understand the CSS language and reach a very advanced level in it.

In the next lesson, we will guide you to download the programs that you can use to write the code and that you can use the same in your own projects in the future.

لمن هذا الكورس؟

  • Student
  • programmer
  • amateur
  • Web developer

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