التشريح التطبيقي لتمرين الإسكوات
Functional Anatomy for Squat exercise

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  • يدرس الطالب الاعتبارات التشريحية و الميكانيكية لتمرين الإسكوات والأخطاء الشائعة به.
  • يتعرف الدارس على النقاط المهمه للاداء المثالي.
  • التعرف على المساهمة العضلية للعضلات لاداء تمرين الإسكوات.
  • الأخطاء الشائعة فى الاداء.



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محتوى كورس: التشريح التطبيقي لتمرين الإسكوات

كورس التشريح التطبيقي لتمرين الإسكوات عربي مجانا من يوديمي

التطبيقات التشريحية و العملية للاداء الصحيح لتمرين الأسكوات

The squat is the king of all exercises, working over 256 muscles in one movement! From bodybuilders to powerlifters to competitive athletes, the squat is a staple compound exercise and should be in every workout plan.

For powerlifters, it is known as one of the “big three” lifts which include the squat, deadlift, and bench press. For athletes, having an explosive squat is a good indicator of on-field/court performance.

And for bodybuilders, the squat is a compound exercise that targets nearly every muscle of your lower body and core.

التشريح التطبيقي لتمرين الإسكوات

The squat directly targets the muscles of the quads but also involves the hamstrings, glutes, back, and core as well as muscles of the shoulders and arms to a lesser degree.

Not everyone is built to perform the traditional barbell back squat and it can result in some pain for certain individuals. Over the years, several squatting variations have been developed to help everyone be able to train this critical movement pattern safely.

Back Squat Instructions

Set up for the exercise by setting the barbell to just below shoulder height and loading the weight you want to use.

Stand under the bar with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

Position the bar so that it is resting on the muscles on the top of your back, not on the back of your neck. The bar should feel comfortable. If it doesn’t, try adding some padding to the bar.

Now take your hands over the back and grip the bar with a wide grip for stability.

You should now bend at the knees and straighten your back in preparation to take the weight off the rack.

Keeping your back straight and eyes up, push up through the legs and take the weight off the rack.

Take a small step back and stabilize yourself.

Keeping your eyes facing forward slowly lower your body down. Don’t lean forward as you come down. Your buttocks should come out and drop straight down.

Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and then slowly raise your body back up by pushing through your heels.

Do not lock the knees out when you stand up, and then repeat the movement.

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