برنامج الحماية من التجسس | Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro

برنامج الحماية من التجسس | Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro

Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro

يُعرف Windows 10 باسم عملاق القياس عن بُعد لسبب ما.

تساعد بيانات القياس عن بُعد Windows في التعرف عليك وعلى عاداتك بشكل أفضل وتسمح لـ Microsoft بتكييف كل من ميزات الراحة والإعلانات وفقًا لتفضيلاتك – ما لم تضع حدًا لذلك!

و تتعقب برامج أخرى من Google أو محركات البحث مثل Bing كل خطوة تقوم بها وتجمع كميات هائلة من البيانات لإنشاء ملفات تعريف مستخدم معقدة.

يمنع Ashampoo® AntiSpy Pro إرسال بيانات القياس عن بعد في أكثر من 100 مكان بنقرة واحدة فقط!

مع هذا البرنامج استعادة التحكم وحماية خصوصيتك على Windows 10 و Windows 8 وحتى أجهزة الكمبيوتر التي تعمل بنظام Windows 7!

زقى هذه التدوينة أقدم لكم أحدث إصدار من البرنامج بالتفعيل .


برنامج الحماية من التجسس | Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro

برنامج الحماية من التجسس | Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro


File Size: 30 MB

Windows 10 is known as a telemetry hog for a reason.

Telemetry data helps Windows get to know you and your habits better and allows Microsoft to adapt both comfort features and ads to your preferences–unless you put a stop to it!

Other programs from Google or search engines like Bing track your every move and collect massive amounts of data for the creation of complex user profiles.

Ashampoo® AntiSpy Pro prevents the sending of telemetry data in over 100 places with just one click!

Regain control and protect your privacy on Windows 10, Windows 8 and even Windows 7 PCs!

1-click immunization against tracking

Maximum privacy and protection against unwanted usage reports
Silence over 100 programs and services
Disable Windows 10 telemetry as far as possible
Prevent user tracking by Google, Office, Bing, hardware manufacturers and many more
Auto-launch with Windows for permanent data privacy
Easily undo changes instantly
Relentless against unwanted user profiles

Use it on up to 10 PCs in your household

If you use Ashampoo® AntiSpy Pro at home, a single license will allow you to install the software on up to 10 PCs!

Buy once and let your entire family benefit from more secure Windows system!

You’ll only need a separate license for each installation, if you use the software in a commercial setting.

How Microsoft collects data

As long as Windows 10 is running with default settings, numerous services collect data about program usage, occurring errors or personal user interests.

This data facilitates comfort features like Cortana (whether you use it or not) and provides Microsoft with error reports but also enables highly personalized ads.

Many consider this a privacy threat and feel spied upon by their PCs.

Stop other software from snooping

Ashampoo® AntiSpy Pro can do more that just end the data collection in Windows.

Many other programs are more nosy than you would like!

Silence anti-virus solutions or software pre-installed by the manufacturer of your PC!

AntiSpy also covers analytics software, like Google Analytics, or the many helper programs pre-installed by hardware manufacturers that are not part of the operating system.

Even browsers and graphic cards collect usage data without your intervention! And don’t forget the all too chatty Office suite!

Teach your PC the value of discretion

As long as Windows 10 is running with default settings, numerous services collect data about program usage, occurring errors or personal user interests.

This data facilitates comfort features like Cortana (whether you use it or not) and provides Microsoft with error reports but also enables highly personalized ads.

Many consider this a privacy threat and feel spied upon by their PCs.

Better privacy in a single click

We believe there should be an easy way to achieve data protection and privacy.

That’s why Ashampoo® AntiSpy Pro can disable all data collectors in a single click!

But you can also toggle features manually and block individual services to your needs.

You stay in full control: Enable the services you actively use and block the others from sending out telemetry data.


مساحة البرنامج 30 ميجا تقريباً

تحميل موفق للجميع

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برنامج Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro ,تحميل برنامج Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro , حمل برابط مباشر Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro , تنزيل Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro , برنامج الحماية من التجسس , برنامج زيادة الخصوصية Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro ,


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