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يعد EASEUS Todo Backup حلاً كاملاً وموثوقًا للنسخ الاحتياطي واستعادة البيانات بعد الكوارث لنظام النسخ الاحتياطي والبيانات والملفات والمجلدات وقسم محرك الأقراص الثابتة.

اسطوانة النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات | EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023

يعد EASEUS Todo Backup حلاً كاملاً وموثوقًا للنسخ الاحتياطي واستعادة البيانات بعد الكوارث لنظام النسخ الاحتياطي والبيانات والملفات والمجلدات وقسم محرك الأقراص الثابتة.

فهو لا يوفر واجهة مستخدم مريحة لتبسيط مهامك فحسب ، بل يمكّنك أيضًا من إجراء نسخ احتياطي واستعادة صورة لأقسامك أو القرص الثابت بأكمله.

وفى هذه التدوينة نقدم لكم أحدث إصدار من الاسطوانة .


اسطوانة النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات | EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023 Build 20221117

اسطوانة النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات | EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023


EASEUS Todo Backup is a complete and reliable backup and disaster recovery solution to backup system, data, files and folders, hard drive partition. It not only provides convenient user-interface to simplify your tasks but also enables you to backup and restore an image of your partitions or entire hard disk.

Protect Your Home Data

Losing data is very discouraging. To protect data, regular backup makes sense. EaseUS Todo Backup is a reliable data backup software for home users, backing up and restoring files fast on a Windows-based computer.

File Backup

Easily run an automated backup on your directories & files, compress file images to save space, and encrypt files to protect privacy.

System Backup

Back up Windows system along with user settings, create a bootable backup, restore your system quickly once it crashes.

Disk/Partition Backup

Back up disk/partition at a block level, while data stored on it is ever-increasing and updated. No impact on the existing disk running.

Backup Storage – Cloud

Store backups to anywhere, hard drive, an external device, FTP server, network share, NAS, CD/DVD, or OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

Smart Backup

EaseUS believes that you will never try to back up until it’s just as easy as a few clicks away.
Smart backup makes it. Just choose your files/folders, save the backup task, and realize file protection. No extra steps required.

Flexible Cloud Backup

A convenient way to store your files off-site, where they are safe from local damage.

System Clone

System clone is to duplicate your operating system to another hard drive, USB, or other storage media.
Cloning features in EaseUS backup software makes it easy for you to migrate system to a new disk and upgrade your current system.
Clone to create a bootable system drive, get the system back to work in an emergency, and avoid any downtime.

Whats New:

New features

Optimized the display style of backup task card information
Optimized the guide when creating a backup
Optimized button styles
Improved the style of backup source and destination
Improved animation to reduce resource occupation
Fixed: backup failure caused by network error when backing up to Dropbox
Fixed: backup program crash issue
Fixed: focus setting of the program main interface
Added: cloud service web entrance
Added: delete backup files on the web page of the cloud service
Added: judgment and prompt for invalid parameter of Options


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تحميل برنامج النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023 , حمل برابط مباشر برنامج النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023 , حمل مجانا برنامج النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023 , آخر إصدار من برنامج النسخ الاحتياطى و استعادة الملفات , تحميل EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023 , تنزيل EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023, حمل برابط واحد مباشر EaseUS Todo Backup Home WinPE 2023 ,


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